Use them for free

Welcome to the APIs section
When you create an account, an APIKEY will be created for you, using which you can use the following APIs.
The service is free and the limitations are assumed based on the assumptions of the server and I want you to be happy.
The API codes are available in different languages and the output of the APIs is in the form of Json text, and I welcome your support with open arms.

You can refer to this link to support me.


Enjoy it

List all of APIs


Convert text to Braille

Use it
Universal Date Time

Get world date time based on time zone

Use it
Get IP

Get your public IP with a request

Use it
Loading page

Personalized page for site loading

Use it
Cloud (coming soon)

Access to cloud space in the amount of 10MB and direct link for files

Database (coming soon)

Cloud database service and backup capability

V2ray (coming soon)

Creating configuration for V2ray program

Weather (coming soon)

Getting weather information based on location and relevant details

QR code (coming soon)

Generate QR code by a text and it will return a URL of QR photo

Plugin (coming soon)

Plugins available for ease of programming and Chrome extension

Health tools (coming soon)

Tools to check body health

Cryptography (coming soon)

Text and file encryption and decryption algorithms

Translator (coming soon)

Translator connected to Google

Barcode (coming soon)

Generate Barcode by number and it will return a URL of barcode photo

Random (coming soon)

Random text generation and token construction

Link Shortener (coming soon)

Direct and indirect link shortener

Math solver (coming soon)

Solving math problems step by step

Info request (coming soon)

Parse the information of request sended

Joke (coming soon)

Request to send a joke from the list of jokes

Location point information (coming soon)

Get address and point info with lat & lng

TODO (coming soon)

Save TODO to online server

Adult content detection (coming soon)

Ability to recognize adult content

Edit photos (coming soon)

Editing images and filtering and resizing

Ask anythings (coming soon)

Ask to ChatGPT anythings

Fake Mail (coming soon)

Service of fake mail

All APIs are available on Github and I look forward to your support