You don't have an API token?

If you do not have an account on this site, create an account for free or login to your account. In the account section, your token is shown.

We have two types of API here, one is available without registration (meaning without using API_KEY) and the other is with registration (meaning using API_KEY) which this page can view both types.

Qr Code

API to make QR code online
The data contains the text of about 900 characters and the output of this request is in the form of Json text in case of an error and otherwise the output is in the form of a file.
In the next update, the coding option with coding algorithms will be added and it will be done as POST in the requests.
DATA : is required, include 900 chars and should be as a string
SIZE : is required and output size is around between (25 to 9999)px
COLOR : is nullable and formatted hex color (whitout '#' like ffffff)
Json : Json text in case of an error
File : Output is in the form of a file


curl --location --request GET '{DATA}&size={SIZE}&color={COLOR} \<br>--header 'Api-Key:YOUR_API_KEY'


Braille service is for converting text into Braille language. By using Arduino board or other processors, you can design different services for the blind, such as chat, payment and typing environment. (This is a new idea for the blind)
This service only supports English, Farsi and numbers with special characters.
<center><img class="imgDoc rounded-corners" src="" alt="Braille"></center>
TEXT : is required, include 500 chars
Json : Json text in case of an error
Array : Output is an array from converted text


curl --location '{TEXT}' \<br>--header 'Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY'

Free API

The following APIs are available on this site as REST APIs without registration. If an API has limitations, it is considered based on the limitations of the host and is written in the description of that API.

Get IP (Free)

You can find your public IP using this service. In the parameters section, you can also have the IP of a domain.
The output of this service is a text string which is the IP or you can have the value as Json text
TYPE : is nullable and just will be 'json' or 'string'
DOMAIN : is nullable and domain will be likes '' without any http(s) and Path/Page
Json: If the TYPE is "json", the Json text output contains your IP and also the Json error text if an error occurs.
String: The output is a string as IP


curl --location '{TYPE}&domain={DOMAIN}'

Loading page (Free)

In order to be able to use the site loader, you must add CSS and JS tags to your site, like the code below, the theme of this loader will be added in future updates.

DIV Loader:
<div class="loader"></div>

CSS Tag :
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

JS Tag:
<script src=""></script>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Your Website</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> </head> <body> <div class="loader"></div> <p> Hi, this is a test message!... </p> <script src=""></script> </body> </html>

Universal Date Time (Free)

You can use this service to get the updated time, this service is free and you don't need to register. Have the time formatted according to your time zone. The links are in the description below.
TIMEZONE : is required, you can see this link to indexing timezone list
FORMAT : is nullable, see this link
Json: The Json text output contains formatted time and its epoch time and also the Json error text if an error occurs.


curl --location '{TIMEZONE}&format={FORMAT}'