We have two types of API here, one is available without registration (meaning without using API_KEY) and the other is with registration (meaning using API_KEY) which this page can view both types.
DATA : is required, include 900 chars and should be as a string
SIZE : is required and output size is around between (25 to 9999)px
COLOR : is nullable and formatted hex color (whitout '#' like ffffff)
Json : Json text in case of an error
File : Output is in the form of a file
TEXT : is required, include 500 chars
Json : Json text in case of an error
Array : Output is an array from converted text
TYPE : is nullable and just will be 'json' or 'string'
DOMAIN : is nullable and domain will be likes 'google.com' without any http(s) and Path/Page
Json: If the TYPE is "json", the Json text output contains your IP and also the Json error text if an error occurs.
String: The output is a string as IP
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Your Website</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://files.themohebbikhah.ir/getFile?token=icGG3bguFlVkGLY8lbgGoISqx"> </head> <body> <div class="loader"></div> <p> Hi, this is a test message!... </p> <script src="https://files.themohebbikhah.ir/getFile?token=8nSAhZK85IYRBqzs371pRaq8S"></script> </body> </html>
Json: The Json text output contains formatted time and its epoch time and also the Json error text if an error occurs.